Finding Hope In Chaotic Times

Finding Hope In Chaotic Times

What Do You Hope For?

Have you ever picked out a scratch off at the gas station and hoped for the Jackpot? Can’t lie, there are times I pick one up, plan out my retirement, and of course how I would help others with the money I won (you need to apply a little virtue for better odds). It usually lands in disappointment and only worth the brief fantasy it created. Or maybe you’re hoping that your favorite sports team makes the comeback to win the game but yet again leaves you questioning loyalty or blaming the Ref for playing favorites. In more serious times, you may be hoping for a new president, or for our current president to be re-elected, you may be hoping that wild fires will not destroy all you have, you may be hoping that riots stop, that racial equality is reached, or maybe your hoping things go back to being… normal? This year has tested us all when it comes to hope and has left many losing a sense of hope more than anything. I too have fallen prey to despair at times and wanting to find an isolated island ( with a great shore break) and move my family ASAP.  Currently my view of hope has been challenged again with my brother being admitted to hospital and in critical condition with Covid. I’ve had a few nightmare scenarios play out in my mind during this pandemic and this was one of them due to his pre-existing conditions. This took me to Romans 5:3-5. Okay, not at first. I was actually gutted, didn’t know what to do, I was panicked about treatment and kinda losing my mind. Then my cousin reminded me that God does not give us anything we cannot handle and my amazing wife who took the brunt of my worry reminded me where my hope needs to be and then… I got to Romans 5:3-5.  

 … we[ also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

You see this kind of hope is beyond the circumstance in front of you. My hope is not placed on the doctors or the machines helping my brother breathe. That’s “lottery ticket” hope. Sure I am trusting that he is receiving the care he needs and I want nothing more than for him to come out of this. But when I placed my hope in the One who is ultimately in control, I was able to gain a sense of peace. Not because everything was okay. In fact God never promises that we will not go through suffering or hardship. His promise is that He will not leave us and He will pour out His love through the Holy Spirit. So just like me, maybe you needed to be reminded where to place your hope today. I am sure in the future I will also need to be reminded again. 

Romans 15:13 -  May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

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